This Game was simply amazing. The Story line was thin, but just mysterious enough to keep you interested... But the thing that really kept me at it, were the Game's Mechanics and Design! It's been a long Time since I played a Game that made me think about my EVERY SINGLE MOVE like this and yet thoroughly enjoyed the whole Experience! Even when the first level that had a "Cube" to open those Doors in it made me rage like there was no tomorrow, it was a subtle Tutorial on how this Game will trick your Eyes with its Isometric Level Design! Just like every Good Game should be designed... Subtly guiding the Player through every Aspect, without him actually noticing. And I applaud your Effort, because you totally nailed it!
This Game deserves SO much more Attention and Love! I'll try to send it to everybody I know.
"Dan adda dan." -Egoraptor